German Euro Million - Deutsche Millionen Euro
Evolution vs God Limited Edition DVD
Comic - Sind Sie ein guter Mensch? (German Comic - Are You a Good Person?) - A7 "Mini" Leaflet x100
Der Atheistentest (The Atheist Test - German) - A7 "Mini" Leaflet x100
Are You Good Enough? - GERMAN (Bin ich gut genug um in den himmel zu kommen?) A6 leaflet x100
Comic - Êtes-vous une bonne personne? (French - Are you a Good Person?)
French Euro Million (Football)
Caricatura - Eres Una Persona Buena? (Spanish - Are you a Good Person?)
Comic - Esti un om bun? (Romanian Comic - Are you a Good Person?)
Komiks - Czy dobry człowiek? (Polish Comic - Are you a good person?) A7 x100 Leaflets
Romanian Euro Millions (x100)
Spanish Euro Million (Billete de Millon Euro) 2019
The Atheist Test - French
The Atheist Test - Romanian
The Atheist Test - Italian
Ilusión Óptica (Spanish - Optical Illusion Curved tract)
Swedish Comic - Are You A Good Person?
Es Usted lo Suficientmente Bueno para ir al Cielo? (Spanish - Are You Good Enough To Go To Heaven)
The Atheist Test - Polish
The Atheist Test - Dutch
The Atheist Test - Spanish (La Prueba Del Ateo)
"180" DVD (Español - Spanish)
The Atheist Test - Swedish
Dios Tiene Un Plan Maravilloso Para Tu Vida (Spanish - God Has a Wonderful Plan)