Giant Money (US Dollar)
Sold in packs of 100 (eg 5 packs = 500 tracts)
Size - 18" x 8"
Contains the following message on the back:
How many people can you find on this $100 bill? You might be surprised to know that there are six. See if you can find them. Many years ago there was a popular hit song called "American Pie." It contained the words: "Did you write the Book of Love, do you have faith in God above, do you believe in rock and roll, can music save your mortal soul?" Then it repeated the words: "This could be the day that I die . . . this could be the day that I die . . ."
The fact that each of us are just a heart-beat away from eternity is sobering, but true . . . this could be the day that I die. After all, approximately 150,000 people will die in the next 24 hours. The biblical explanation as to why each of us will die is fascinating. It says we have broken an uncompromising law. Let's see if you have broken this Law (The Ten Commandments): Is God first in your life? Have you made a god to suit yourself? Have you ever used God's holy name in vain? Have you kept the Sabbath holy? Have you always honored your parents implicitly? Have you hated anyone? Then the Bible says you are a murderer. Have you had sex out of marriage? Then you are a fornicator and cannot enter Heaven. Jesus said, "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart." Have you ever lusted? Have you ever stolen something (irrespective of its value)? Then you are a thief. If you have told just one lie (even if you call it "white"), you are a liar, and cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Listen to your conscience. The Law leaves us all sinners in God's sight. On Judgment Day we will be found guilty, and end up in Hell forever, but because Jesus paid our fine on the Cross 2,000 years ago, God can forgive us. The Bible says, "God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Then He rose from the dead, and defeated the power of the grave. If you repent and trust the Savior, God will forgive your sins and grant you everlasting life. Confess your sins to God, put your faith in Jesus Christ, then read the Bible daily and obey what you read. Think of the words on this bill: "IN GOD WE TRUST." He will never let you down. Six people on the bill: Ben Franklin, the Treasurer, the Secretary, two in front of the clock, and of course, God.